Country and Regional Projects in Asia

In developing Asian countries and regions, NREL supports initiatives for deploying renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and advanced grid management technologies and systems.


We developed wind and solar resource maps and data products for Afghanistan using data output in geographic information system (GIS) formats. The data can be examined using resource data in a geospatial context along with other key information relevant to renewable energy development, such as transportation networks, transmission corridors, existing power facilities, load centers, terrain conditions, and land use.


A USAID-NREL study, Assessing the Wind Power Potential in Bangladesh, uses improved wind resource data sets to determine the feasibility of using wind power as a renewable energy resource in Bangladesh.


We developed wind and solar resource maps and data products for Bhutan using data output in GIS formats. The data can be examined using resource data in a geospatial context along with other key information relevant to renewable energy development, such as transportation networks, transmission corridors, existing power facilities, load centers, terrain conditions, and land use.


We team with partners in India on renewable energy grid integration studies and regional and national power system transformation road maps, power system regulatory and grid management engineering assistance. NREL also works on biofuels, solar, wind, and building efficiency projects with partners in India. We've also partnered with India on renewable energy resource assessments and GIS tools. The data can be examined using resource data in a geospatial context along with other key information relevant to renewable energy development, such as transportation networks, transmission corridors, existing power facilities, load centers, terrain conditions, and land use.


We're developing a cooperative effort with Indonesia to provide analytic and technical support on renewable energy grid integration and power system transformation. In support of the Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact with the Indonesian government, NREL identified renewable energy investment opportunities in selected Indonesian provinces. NREL also supported activities related to the U.S. Agency for International Development's Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies (EC-LEDS) program, aiming to strengthen Indonesian capacity to design and implement low-carbon development strategies.


We work with institutional and private sector representatives from energy and policy sectors in Kazakhstan to provide interactive sessions on energy technology, energy-investment financing, policy development, renewable energy resource assessment, integration of diverse energy sources, systems modeling, and business models for energy services. Current work is focused especially on renewable energy grid integration modeling and technical support.

Pacific Islands

We work with the U.S. Department of the Interior to support the islands of Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas Islands in their efforts to deploy energy efficiency and renewable energy. We're also partnering with the State Department to assist several Pacific Island nations with analyzing opportunities and providing technical support for scaling up renewable energy deployment. We're also working with Tonga to develop a master energy efficiency plan and to provide training on its implementation.


We developed wind and solar resource maps and data products for Pakistan using data output in GIS formats. The data can be examined using resource data in a geospatial context along with other key information relevant to renewable energy development, such as transportation networks, transmission corridors, existing power facilities, load centers, terrain conditions, and land use.


We've partnered with the Philippines to apply modern approaches to update previous estimates to support the development of wind energy potential in the Philippines. The new assessment includes more economically viable wind potential closer to loads and infrastructure to promote wind development in the region by providing wind resource information that informs and attracts renewable investors and developers to the region.

We're also partnering with the Philippines on the Renewable Energy (RE) Data Explorer to provide renewable energy data, analytical tools, and technical assistance to developers, policymakers, and decision makers in the Philippines and developing countries. The RE Data Explorer performs visualization analysis of renewable energy potential under user-defined scenarios and can inform prospecting, integrated planning, and policymaking to accelerate renewable energy deployment.

Additionally, we're providing assistance to the Philippines on policies and measures to enable corporate and industrial park procurement and use of renewable energy. Past assistance focused on transportation and alternative fuel analysis; renewable energy resource assessment and visualization; and, technical and policy barriers to integrating renewables on the national grid.

Also see Greening the Grid: Solar and Wind Grid Integration Study for the Luzon-Visayas System of the Philippines.

United States-Association of Southeast Asian Nations Solutions Hub

The United States-Association of Southeast Asian Nations Solutions Hub supports countries in Asia achieve energy, economic, and environmental goals. We provide technical assistance for eligible countries in Asia to support their energy security and resilience efforts.


We're partnering with lead ministries in the Government of Vietnam, the electric utility, and private sector firms and investors, on renewable energy policies, grid integration studies and grid management improvements, direct power purchase agreements, and investment mobilization. Past support included resource assessment, visualization, and related analysis; tools to assess the development benefits of alternative low emission and climate resilient strategies; and methods for integrating the unique considerations associated with variable renewable energy into power sector planning.

Regional Support

We provide regional support to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states, with a particular focus on the countries of the Lower Mekong sub-region (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam).

Recent activities have focused on renewable energy resource data identification, visualization, and analysis (ASEAN member states); analysis of the impacts of increased deployment of distributed solar on utility revenues (Thailand), and energy alternatives analysis (Laos).

We also provide technical and financial support for several regional programs of the Asian Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership, including communities of practice and technical collaboration across countries on renewable energy grid integration and enabling policies, on renewable energy financing strategies and instruments, on coordinated national and sub-national LEDS action, and on sustainable transport solutions. These activities engage over 600 practitioners across Asian countries.

Regional Studies

NREL's Integrated Urban Services is a program under the United States-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (US-ASEAN) Smart Cities Partnership helping ASEAN cities build resilience in their energy, water, and food systems.

NREL assessed what challenges and opportunities might arise from increased cross-border electricity trade in the South Asian region, inclusive of Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. See South Asian Cross-Border Electricity Trade and Cooperation Study.

NREL is working with countries in South Asia—such as India, Nepal and Bangladesh—to evaluate the policy and regulatory environments for storage deployment as well as determining the best methods for understanding the technical, economic, and policy drivers for energy storage in the rapidly evolving region through the South Asian Energy Storage Study.
